Athletics Handbook

Philosophy of Interscholastic Athletics

Extracurricular programs are an integral part of the total educational process at West Genesee. Program participation enriches the educational experience, promotes connectedness and a sense of belonging, and contributes to the development of a well rounded student.

Determination, perseverance, achievement, respectfulness and teamwork are some of the valuable lessons that can be attained through extracurricular participation. Through these opportunities, we seek to offer a wholesome form of physical, musical, artistic, social, and academic activities. These programs play an important role in helping the individual student develop a positive self-image.

Participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege, one that requires commitment, fair play and accountability. These programs provide a vital link between the school and community by fostering school spirit and pride. Students, staff and parents representing West Genesee are year-round role models.

The culture of West Genesee is also reflected in what occurs before and after the normal academic day. We strive to balance individual talent with group achievement, where student and program development define success. While the reputation of our school and community is enhanced whenever its representatives excel, by far the greatest rewards and satisfactions are derived through participation in our extracurricular opportunities.

Philosophy of level

Modified – This program of competitive sports focuses on the fundamentals of the game, rules, training and basic skills. Emphasis is placed on basic skill development and maximum participation is desired. Additionally, coaches will build a foundation to help promote the advancement of the athlete to the next level of the program. Participants will play approximately the same amount of time. All members of the team that participate the entire season will receive an equal award.

Freshmen – This program is similar to the modified program in that basic skill development is stressed. The participant should become versed in the rules of the game. It is recognized that every effort will be made to play participants in all contests. Coaches will continue to expand skill level and knowledge to help promote the advancement of the athlete to the next level of the program. All members of the team that participate the entire season will receive an equal award.

Junior Varsity – The junior varsity level of competition is the program where increased emphasis is placed upon team play, physical conditioning and refinement of basic skills that will best prepare athletes to play at the varsity level in the future. Winning at the junior varsity level is considered important and participants should be taught how to cope with losing and crowd influence during contests. Each individual will be given the opportunity to play during the season at the discretion of the coach. All members of the team who participate the entire season will receive an equal award.

Varsity – The varsity level of athletic competition is the culmination of the high school athletic program. It should be understood that after try-outs, cuts are likely to happen (as may be true at all levels); the decision of the coach(es) should be respected. Team play, sportsmanship, individual physical ability, motivation and mental attitude are very important aspects of competition at the varsity level. The team definitely plays to win the contest but varsity contestants should accept the fact that important lessons are to be learned from losing. It is recognized that not all participants play in every contest and playing time is at the discretion of the coach. All members of the team, who participate the entire season, will receive an equal award. Ability and attitude will be the determining factors in making the team at the varsity level.

Athletic Code of Conduct

A firm and fair policy of enforcement is necessary to uphold the regulations and standards of the athletic department. The community, school administrators, and coaching staff feel strongly that high standards of conduct and citizenship are essential in maintaining a sound program of athletics.

All athletes shall abide by a code of ethics which will earn them the honor and respect that participation and competition provide through the interscholastic athletic program. Acts of unacceptable conduct, such as, but not limited to: theft, vandalism, hazing, disrespect, immorality, insubordination, or violations of law, tarnish the integrity of everyone associated with the athletic programs and will not be tolerated.

Violation of this athletic code will result in a restriction from participation, a suspension for a period of time, or a loss of eligibility based on the severity of the infraction. Based on the severity of the infraction of the Code of Conduct, the Athletic Director may convene a meeting with the coach involved, the Athletic Director, and the Principal to meet and determine the penalty according to the degree of the infraction.

Training Regulations

  1. Each coach may specify definite rest programs and hours when team members must be in their homes. Any adjustments must be approved by the coach of the sport.

  2. The use of alcoholic beverages, drugs, and tobacco are considered health hazards and detrimental to an athlete’s physical and mental well-being. Such use may result in the student being dropped from the team for the remainder of that sport season including sectional and state meets.

  3. Attendance at practice is essential to develop the greater degree of skill. All requests to be excused from practice sessions must be submitted to the coach before the practice for which the request is made.

  4. Athletes absent from school may not practice or play the day such absence occurs. Exceptions to this rule can be made only by the school principal or designee. Frequent or excessive tardiness may result in the same penalty.

  5. If an athlete arrives to school after 8:30 A.M., is absent or leaves school without producing a medical excuse from a physician’s office, the student will not participate in that day’s practice or game. Exceptions to this rule must be approved by the Principal or Athletic Director.

  6. Individual coaches may also make specific guidelines and regulations relating to their sport.

Enforcement Date: First official day of practice, as designated by Section III through final athletic contest of the season.


It is the philosophy of the West Genesee Athletic Department to encourage student participation in a number of sports, co-curricular activities, and clubs. Student specialization in one sport year-round goes against the District philosophy of developing well-rounded individuals. Multi-sport athletes are given preference in the selection process for all school awards.

Selective Classification

According to the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education students in grades 7 and 8 may not participate on high school level teams without going through an extensive screening process called Selection/Classification. This privilege is limited to the unusually advanced athletes in the sport requested. As part of the screening process a candidate must be able to show that there is objective evidence of their advanced abilities as demonstrated in prior competitive situations in that sport. For team-type sports the recommendation of the prior coach is critical.

Seventh Grade students may be considered for placement on a JV or Varsity squad only if the requested sport is not offered at the modified level. Eighth grade students may be considered for placement on junior varsity and varsity squads in all sports that are offered. Both seventh and eighth grade students may be considered for a freshman level team if they meet the above criteria.

In addition to the above, candidates must have sufficient social and emotional maturity, have shown adequate academic progress, and have a positive behavior record. There are a number of steps in this process beginning with a phone call to the Director of Athletics. If after this phone conversation it is determined that the student meets the initial criteria, a packet will be mailed to the home of candidate. Since this is an extensive screening process with many steps involving many people, requests need to be made well in advance of the sport start date.

Deadlines for Requests:

  • For the Fall Sports Season – June 15

  • For the Winter Sports Season – October 15

  • For the Spring Sports Season – February 15

Player-Coach Relationship

The player coach relationship is perhaps the most critical relationship in athletics. A parent can have a profound impact on this very important and delicate relationship. While you may not agree with all the decisions of a coach, how and when you express your feelings can have a decided effect upon your child.

If you express a negative opinion in front of your child, you need to remember that he/she will return to practice the next day and may carry the burden of your feelings. Your child will then have to interact with the coach. The parent can greatly affect this relationship.

Providing technical or strategic instruction at home may interfere and conflict with the instruction process at the practice sessions and games. This may ultimately impede your child’s progress and affect their playing time, or whether they earn a starting position. You should encourage your child to advocate for themselves and to approach the coach to discuss concerns or problems at an appropriate time. This is an important life-skill, and parents need to remain in the background in a supportive role.

Parent-Player Relationship

Being positive and supportive is important, but adding pressure and unrealistic expectations can be extremely harmful. Please allow your son or daughter to enjoy and grow from their athletic experience. As stated by many national studies, most athletes participate for enjoyment and fun. Excessive pressure or expectations can alter this most fundamental reason for playing.

Parent Communication

Positive two-way communication between parents and coaches is an important aspect of being a part of any team. West Genesee strives to provide your student-athlete with the best coaches, equipment, and training possible, but there are times when conversations need to occur. We would ask that you closely follow the communication structure listed below for the sake of consistency and the clearest path toward acceptable resolutions to differences, when they arise.

Should you have any questions or concerns pertaining to your child’s team situation, please do not approach the coach immediately at the conclusion of the contest. At that time coaches have other responsibilities. It may also be an emotional time for everyone. We always ask that the student-athlete work with her/her coach first at the appropriate time to resolve any matter that presents itself. If your child has done so and there are still questions, you as a parent, may call and make an appointment for a later time and approach this meeting in a calm, courteous and logical manner. Please remember that the topics viewed as inappropriate to speak with a coach about include but are not limited to: playing time, team strategies, play calling, and other student athletes.

If you as a parent feel the need to address a concern, communication will be completed in the following manner:

  1. Student-athlete speaks to the head coach.

  2. Student-athlete, parent, and head coach meet.

  3. Student-athlete, parent, head coach, and Athletic Director meet.

  4. Student-athlete, parent, head coach, Athletic Director, and High School Executive Principal meet.

**If a topic is important enough to require a meeting with the Athletic Director and/or Executive Principal, please be prepared to have your son or daughter present at the meeting. There will be VERY limited exceptions to this requirement.  At that time, the meeting may be recorded at the request of the coach and/or parent.

Eligibility – Grades 9-12

The West Genesee Central School District appreciates the benefits which may accrue through voluntary participation in school sponsored co-curricular student activities. For the purposes of this policy, the term “school sponsored co-curricular student activities” shall include interscholastic athletics, marching band, and drama activities, for which advisors/coaches are approved by the Board of Education. Academic standards of eligibility for participation in school sponsored co-curricular student activities at West Genesee High School are established as follows:

  1. Beginning of Fall Activities:

  2. Use fourth quarter marking period (Summer School may be used during the appeal process only.)

    1. Vertical average of 70% or more

    2. Cannot be failing 2 or more subjects

  3. Beginning of Winter Activities:

  4. Use first quarter marking period **

    1. Vertical average of 70% or more

    2. Cannot be failing 2 or more subjects

  5. Beginning of Spring Activities:

  6. Use second quarter marking period **

    1. Vertical average of 70% or more

    2. Cannot be failing 2 or more subjects

  7. ** Seniors in the current school year who are failing courses required for graduation will be considered ineligible.

  8. Appeal Process:

    1. A committee to review appeals related to eligibility will be created for each case. Appeals should be directed to the District Director (Athletics/Fine Arts) who will convene the committee. The committee will review the facts, call witnesses, and make a recommendation to the High School Principal. The committee may consist of: a. Student’s guidance counselor b. District Director or appropriate advisor c. faculty representative

    2. The eligibility of any student may be appealed to the committee within 10 days of notice of ineligibility.

    3. The eligibility of any student, who fails to meet the eligibility requirements above, as indicated on a five week report, will be reviewed by the committee.

Eligibility Grades 7-8

The West Genesee Central School District appreciates the benefits which may accrue through voluntary participation in school sponsored co-curricular student activities. For the purposes of this policy, the term “school sponsored co-curricular student activities” shall include interscholastic athletics, clubs, and fine arts activities, for which advisors / coaches are approved by the Board of Education. Academic standards of eligibility for participation in school sponsored co-curricular student activities, including athletics and fine arts, are established as follows:

  1. Beginning of Fall Activities:

    1. Use fourth quarter marking period from previous year (Adjustment based on Summer School is permitted.)

    2. Final average of 70% in 4 out of 5 core classes

  2. Beginning of Winter Activities:

    1. Use first quarter marking period

    2. Final average of 70% in 4 out of 5 core classes

  3. Beginning of Spring Activities:

    1. Use second quarter marking period

    2. Final average of 70% in 4 out of 5 core classes

  4. Appeal Process:

    1. The eligibility of any student may be appealed at any time to the eligibility committee which will consist of the principal, school counselor and a team teacher.

    2. Students who do not meet the eligibility criteria above may remain on the co-curricular team or club but will not compete in contests. An action plan will be developed by the eligibility committee which must include staying after school to complete homework in detention or to receive extra support by the Learning Center.

    3. Coaches are responsible for monitoring academic improvement of students. School counselors are responsible for generating eligibility lists which should be submitted to the Building Principal, Athletic Director and Director of Fine Arts.

Attendance at School and Practice

Unexcused absences or chronic tardiness to class and/or team practices may be sufficient reason for declaring a student ineligible at any time. The coaches, athletic administrator and/or school administrator will determine the date and duration of the ineligibility. In order to participate in any athletic event or practice, athletes are required to be in all of their scheduled classes and be in school by 8:30 A.M. on the day of the event or practice. A student who is absent or leaves school without producing a medical excuse from a physician’s office on the day of an athletic event or practice may not participate in the event or practice. Prompt and regular attendance at practice sessions is necessary for the safety and conditioning of the student-athletes as well as the benefits to the team as a whole. Team members must notify their coach prior to any practice and/or game that they will be tardy to or miss and explain the reason for the tardiness or absences. If possible, documentation may be presented. Chronic tardiness to practice or unexcused absences will be dealt with by the coach. It is for the safety of the student-athlete that practice be required.

Physical Education Participation

Any student enrolled in a physical education class is expected to dress and participate daily in activity. Anyone failing to take part in the daily activity of the physical education class may be ineligible to participate in practice or contests that day.

Participation, Try-Outs and Selection of the Team

It is important to understand that participation on an athletic team at West Genesee is a privilege and not a right. Being on and maintaining one’s membership means accepting all the responsibilities of a team. However, unlike recreation or intramural teams, equal or guaranteed playing time does not exist. It is up to the discretion of the coach to use players best suited to the conditions and demands of the contest at that time. It should be noted that team selection and playing-time decisions are the sole rights of the coaches. While students and parents might disagree with such coaching decisions, hopefully the goal of 10 each coach is to communicate upon what a student-athlete might continue to work or focus on to improve future team-selection or playing-time opportunities.

Tryouts and practice sessions are normally closed to spectators. There is a very sound reason for this. These sessions are the equivalent of a teacher’s classroom and there is real, quality instruction which works together with the principles of West Genesee.

It is also important to remember that players from the previous year’s Junior Varsity or Varsity team do not automatically make the Junior Varsity or Varsity team the following year. Having been a member of a team during the previous year or even being a senior does not ensure that an athlete will make the squad.

Parents should expect that every candidate (during both try-outs and regular season) will be treated fairly and given consideration. Coaches are sensitive to feelings of disappointment and will handle the task of squad selection and playing time as positively as possible. They are always available to address athletes’ questions. While we understand that being cut from a team is a disappointment for many athletes, as well as their parents, it is impossible to keep everyone. Anyone cut from a team should be commended for trying-out and should remember that they are welcome to try-out for a sport the following season. They may also choose to stay and be involved with the team on a managerial position with the coaches’ approval. When parents and athletes understand and support the coaches’ decision, this difficult process can become a less painful experience for all involved.

Assumption of Risk

In spite of protective equipment, supervision and sound instruction by coaches, there is a potential for serious, catastrophic or life-threatening injury. Participants and parents are urged to consider that there are inherent risks and hazards associated with athletic participation. Risks vary from sport to sport and can occur under direct supervision with the proper use of safety equipment. All student accidents/injuries should be reported immediately to the coach/trainer/nurse. It is important that athletes wear all required protective equipment during every practice and game to ensure their safety. Broken protective equipment must be reported to the coach immediately and should not be used until repaired or replaced.

Athletic Training Room/Sports Medicine Staff

West Genesee contracts out for our Sports Medicine and Athletic Training needs. The Athletic Training room is located at West Genesee High School near the pool entrance. The Athletic Training room is open on school days, Monday through Friday 2:00 P.M. – the end of practices or games. Usually the athletic trainer will be available in the room from 2:00 P.M. – 3:30 P.M. for consultations or assistance. After 3:30 P.M. the athletic trainer will circulate throughout the High School practice areas and is available for any immediate concerns or emergencies. Any changes to the schedule will be posted on the athletic training room door. Hours may vary on non-school days, during holidays and during pre-season practices.

Student athletes currently participating in a sport will be seen on a first come first served basis. Some exceptions will apply, such as athletes who need to leave to ride a bus for competition or medical emergencies. Athletes who are out-of-season may need to wait for services until after in-season athletes are prepared for practice or competition.

Sports Related Concussions

A concussion is an injury to the brain as a result of a force or jolt applied directly or indirectly to the head. Concussions can occur in any sport. Parents will be notified by the coach or athletic trainer the day of the injury about the known or possible concussion suffered by their athlete.

If a student-athlete exhibits any signs or symptoms of a concussion he/she will be removed from practice or play immediately. The student-athlete will not be asked to participate in practice or game while experiencing any lingering or persisting symptoms of a concussion, no matter how slight, until cleared by a qualified healthcare professional. The student must be completely symptom free at rest AND during physical and mental exertion prior to returning to sports activities.

Signs and Symptoms include (but are not limited to): poor attention, problems remembering, difficulty following conversations, asking same questions repeatedly, mentally foggy, nervousness, sad, irritable, personality changes, headaches, vacant stare, appearing dazed, dizziness, clumsiness, fuzzy, sleeps more or less than usual, vomiting or nauseated.

Returning to play too early can result in re-injury to the area. The student-athlete is most vulnerable to reinjury in the first 7-10 days after the initial concussion. Second Impact Syndrome can happen when there is a second brain injury before the brain is able to heal from the first injury and can be fatal. Even if you are unsure a concussion has happened DO NOT RETURN TO PLAY. See your physician, athletic trainer or the hospital for immediate attention.

West Genesee’s Full Concussion Policy and Return to Play Protocol

Doctor Visits for an Injury

 If an athlete is seen by their Physician, in the ER or by any Specialist for an injury, they must have a doctor’s release in order to return to sports participation. “No Note, No Play”

First-Aid for Common Athletic Injuries

The athletic trainer is equipped and prepared to handle common athletic injuries, and can be called upon to do so. However, many teams practice and compete at sites miles away from the school or at times when athletic trainers are not available. Below are general guidelines for treating non-emergency common athletic injuries if an athletic trainer is not available. Most of these injuries respond well to the RICE principle of treatment.

  • Rest the injured area. This can prevent further injury.

  • Ice the injured area. Ice should be applied for 15-20 minutes. Reapply every hour.

  • Compression to the injured area can help reduce swelling

  • Elevate the injured area (extremity)

Ice: Ice is preferred over chemical cold packs. Chemical burns have resulted from broken instant cold packs.

Compression: A poorly applied elastic wrap can do more harm than good. If no one has been trained on how to properly apply an elastic wrap, skip this step.

  1. Bruises or Contusions – A contusion is caused from bleeding from damaged blood vessels or soft tissue. Most contusions are not serious and can be treated as follows:

    1. Apply ice to the injured area for 20 minutes. Reapply ice up to 20 minutes every hour.

    2. Elevate an injured extremity to control bleeding.

    3. If a more serious injury is suspected (fracture, concussion, or contusion of an internal organ such as the liver or spleen) follow emergency protocol. d. DO NOT apply heat or a heating pad to a contused area; heat will increase bleeding.

  2. Strains – A strain is a stretch injury to a muscle. Treating a strained muscle promptly and appropriately can minimize the time an athlete is hampered by this injury. Use the following treatment guidelines:

    1. Apply ice to the injured area for 20 minutes. Reapply ice every hour for 20 minutes.

    2. Do not apply heat to a muscle strain during the first 72 hours. The athletic trainer should make the decision of when and if to use heat as a treatment modality.

    3. Do not use analgesic balms such as Icy Hot®, Biofreeze®, or other product to an acute muscle strain (during the first 72 hours). These products should only be used under the direction of the athletic trainer.

    4. Do not over stretch an acute muscle strain.

  3. Sprains – A sprain is an injury to a ligament. It is a result of a joint moving beyond its normal range of motion. Moderate or severe sprains can be accompanied by a fracture and should be treated accordingly. First-aid for sprains include:

    1. Apply ice to the injured area for 20 minutes. Reapply ice every hour for 20 minutes.

    2. If the injury is a lower extremity injury, the athlete should not bear weight on the injured leg if they are noticeably limping when they walk. The athlete should use crutches.

Practices during Vacations

When athletes commit to a Varsity or Junior Varsity sport, they should assume that practices and/or contest may take place over school vacations. Since it is the policy of the CNYCL League and Section 3 to schedule contest during some vacations West Genesee must also do so. West Genesee teams would be at an extreme disadvantage if they took the time off while others are playing. In addition, it would be unfair to ask other schools to reschedule WG contests at another time thus forcing them to play 3, 4, or even 5 games during a week in order to accommodate our athletes.

Athletes who must go away and miss practice and/or contests during vacations can expect that there could be some effect on their standing on the team, their playing time, their chances of making a team when cuts take place, and their ability to earn a letter for that sport. Athletes who finish a season while away on vacation may have consequences carry over to their next sport season.


In athletic settings, some may view hazing as a harmless rite of initiation or an important activity for team bonding. However, it is actually a form of harassment and represents a West Genesee CSD Disciplinary Code Offense. A more complete explanation of harassment can be found in the West Genesee Student Handbook.

Hazing, therefore, cannot and will not be condoned or permitted in the athletic program at West Genesee. This means that hazing is not tolerated on the fields or courts, in the locker rooms, on the bus, or at any other activity in which student-athletes from West Genesee are involved. Seek the coach, Athletic Director or a Building Administrator immediately if any concern of hazing exists.

Removal from a Game

Ejection for a game (the sit out rule) happens when a player is ejected from a contest where they may not re-enter the current contest. The athlete may be required to leave the event (stadium, field or gymnasium) altogether. The athlete must sit out the next scheduled contest, including tournament or championship game and must meet with the athletic director prior to returning to play. If the athlete is ejected from a second contest, in any sport during the school year, the penalty is doubled meaning they must sit out for 13 the next two (2) scheduled contests. A third ejection from any sport during the school year will result in the athlete being prohibited from participating in athletics for a period of one (1) year.

Also, depending on the circumstances of the ejection, the student-athlete may face further School District disciplinary action based off of the West Genesee Code of Conduct.

Suspension from School

Any time an athlete violates a regulation pertaining to all students and that student is suspended from school (either in-school or out-of-school suspension) they are additionally suspended from participation on the athletic team for the length of their suspension.

Dismissal from Team

It is the coach’s prerogative to dismiss students from the team if/when they fail to participate, disrupt the practice or contest experience of others, break team rules, compromise safety or violate school rules. Coaches should communicate with parents when problems occur and need to give a verbal warning about a dismissal if such action is foreseeable. All team dismissals must be approved through the Athletic Directors office.

Eligibility of Transfer Students

Transfer Rule of the New York State Public High School Athletics Association Updated – May 4, 2007

  1. A student in grades 9-12 who transfers, with a corresponding change in residence of his/her parents (or other persons with whom the student has resided for at least six months) shall become eligible after starting regular attendance in the second school. A residence change must involve a move from one school district to another. Furthermore, when a student moves from one public school district to another public school district, for athletic eligibility the student must enroll in the public school district or in a private school within that district’s boundaries of his/her parents’ residency. The Superintendent, or designee, will determine if the student has met district residency requirements.

  2. A

    student who transfers without a corresponding change in residence of his/her parents (or other persons with whom the student has resided for at least six months) is ineligible to participate in any interscholastic athletic contest in a particular sport for a period of one (1) year if as a 9-12 student participated in that sport during the one (1) year period immediately preceding his/her transfer. Students who transfer from any school to the public school district of the residence of his/her parents (or other persons with whom the student has resided for at least six months) or a private school within that district’s boundaries shall be exempt from the Transfer Rule. That such a transfer without penalty will only be permitted once in a high school career. Note: A student in a foreign exchange program listed by CSIET has a one year waiver of the Transfer Rule. If such a student elects to stay a second year he/she becomes a foreign student at the start of the school year with item (b) in effect.

Exemptions to (B): For athletic eligibility a student must enroll in the public school district or in a nonpublic school within that district’s boundaries of his/her parent’s residency.

  1. The student reaches the age of majority and establishes residency in a district and can substantiate that they are independent and self-supporting.

  2. If a private or parochial school ceases to operate a student may transfer to another private or parochial school of his/her choice. Otherwise, a student must enroll in the public school district of his/her parents’ residency.

  3. A student who is a ward of the court or state and is placed in a district by court order. Guardianship does not fulfill this requirement.

  4. A student from divorced or separated parents who moves into a new school district with one of the aforementioned parents. Such a transfer is allowed once every six months.

  5. A student who is declared homeless by the superintendent pursuant to Commissioner’s Regulation 100.2.

  6. A student of a military employee who is transferred to an active military base may enroll in the non-public school closest to their residence and maintain eligibility if the student enrolls in a nonpublic school immediately following the change in residence.

Note: It is provided, however, that each school shall have the opportunity to petition the section involved to approve transfer without penalty based on an undue hardship for the student.

  1. Transfer students trying out for sports before school opens in the fall shall register and be accepted by the principal of that school before the medical examination and the first practice. This shall constitute the start of the regular attendance for falls sports.Note: After approval by the school medical officer a student may practice immediately and must satisfy the specific Sports Standard according to the number of practice sessions required.

  2. Practices at the previous school may be counted toward the minimum number of practices required provided the principal or athletic director of the previous school submits, in writing, the number and dates of such practices to the principal or athletic director of the new school.

NCAA Collegiate Athletic & Scholarship Eligibility

Students desiring to practice and compete during their freshman year at a NCAA Division I or Division II college must satisfy the requirements of the NCAA. Students wishing to receive financial aid from a Division I or II college must also satisfy the requirements of the NCAA. A student’s eligibility for practice, competition, and financial aid in their freshman year at a Division I or II college must be certified by the NCAA Eligibility Center. It is important to see a school counselor as soon as possible to allow time for processing the required information. For specific information please check the NCAA Eligibility Center website.

Sports Boosters

The West Genesee Sports Booster Club, Inc. dates back to 1971. Members participate in various fundraising events throughout the school year and use the profits to enhance the athletic programs at the West Genesee School District. We believe in supporting all our young athletes from every team.

Why we Fund raise:

Using the money we raise, we provide:

  • Sporting equipment that the school is unable to purchase

  • Section III and/or State banners displayed in school

  • Plaques and Trophies for our varsity athletes

  • Senior Scholarship Awards

  • Concession stand at all our home games

What we’ve done:

We’ve recently purchased wrestling mats, pitching machine, and basketball shooter. In previous years we’ve purchased chairs and scorers’ tables for both gyms, championship banners, goal posts, a computer software program for game film review and editing and creating college recruiting tapes for our athletics, scoreboards for basketball and football, an electronic timing system for swimming, fencing at the high school athletic complex, weight room equipment and a sound system at the high school. In addition, each year the Booster Club sponsors a scholarship program and purchases championship plaques and trophies.

How you can participate:

We are in desperate need of people who are either interested in volunteering for one of our 6 major fundraisers or to become an active booster club member so this legacy will continue. Our 6 major fundraisers are:

  • Concession Stand

  • Golf Tournament

  • Spaghetti Dinner

  • Lottery Tickets (in February)

  • Annual Raffle

  • Girls Wildcat Pepper and Boys John Pepper Memorial Lacrosse Tournaments

If you are interested in helping with any of these areas please contact a board member directly or email WG Sports Booster.

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