The West Genesee Department of Human Resources plays a critical support role in the day-to-day operations of the District.  The Staff Resources portion provides a variety of resources and general information for all West Genesee employees such as benefits, physical exams, payroll forms, Family Medical Leave Act, sexual harassment, West Genesee Employee Assistance Program and more.

Who to Contact

Director of Staff Relations

David Cirillo

300 Sanderson Drive

Camillus, NY 13031

(315) 487-4555

Who to contact:

General questions

employment, retirement, graduate credits, change of status, CTLE/professional development, reimbursement for coursework, forms, ID badges, fingerprinting, etc.

Lynn Herrick, Personnel Specialist

Erin Cooper, Personnel Aide

(315) 487-4555

Payroll questions

Valerie Millspaugh

(315) 487-4691

Insurance questions

Jenny Provost

(315) 487-4692