Strategic Planning Guiding Coalition

Strategic Plan for 2023-2027


The mission of the West Genesee Central School District,  in partnership with the community,  is to ensure that each student attains the  knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary,  not only for lifelong learning,  but also for becoming a cooperative,  self-directed, productive, caring citizen.


West Genesee continues to focus on improving, every day, the educational opportunities and academic performance of each student.


Strategic Objectives

  • The four year graduation rate will increase from the previous year, including all sub-groups. 

  • The percent of students earning a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation and/or Regents Diploma with an endorsement in Career and Technical Education will grow by two percent or more.

  • The percent of graduating seniors who successfully complete at least one college level course will increase from the previous year.

Strategic Focus, SMART Goals, and Action Steps

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Strategic Actions

  1. Student Achievement

    1. Enhance academic support programs for students at all levels and continue to improve these services through regular monitoring and evaluation.

    2. Utilize student performance data to improve individual student academic achievement at every level.

    3. Ensure communication among counselors, teachers, students, and parents regarding student performance and individual student goal attainment.

    4. Explore alternative methods to recognize student achievement.

  2. Students (Personal Development)

    1. Nurture students’ perspective of self and others to fully develop their ability to accept responsibility for their own actions and appreciate the diversity of others.

    2. Continue to enhance the use of student support services refining social, emotional and academic counseling including career exploration.

    3. Help students prepare for and accept their role as collaborators, communicators, and creative, critical thinkers.

  3. Educational Program

    1. Document, monitor, assess, and communicate curricula in all subject areas and at all levels to ensure fidelity.

    2. Enhance communication with students and parents regarding program options for sixth through twelfth graders with an emphasis on college or career course work.

    3. Create additional opportunities that foster an appreciation of diversity throughout all grades.

    4. Integrate strategies that promote creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, and communication into the curricula.

    5. Evaluate academic programs and strategies to support a Multi-Tiered System of Support.

    6. Explore additional opportunities for Career and Technical Education.

  4. Staff

    1. Provide professional development opportunities for all staff to collaboratively meet strategic objectives and focus areas.

    2. Refine the systematic assessment of all personnel.

    3. Explore opportunities for professional collaboration. 

  5. Parents / Guardians 

    1. Communicate with, engage, and support parents/guardians as partners in the school community. 

  6. Community

    1. Recruit and equip volunteers from the community to serve the schools in an effective and mutually satisfying partnership.

    2. Provide and engage all students with volunteer opportunities to serve within the district and community to improve citizenship.

  7. Leadership

    1. Provide and encourage leadership opportunities for students, staff, and community members.

  8. Technology

    1. Sustain technology that addresses the instructional and administrative needs of the district.

    2. Ensure that all staff and students are proficient at applying pertinent technology to attain professional and academic goals.

    3. Promote Digital Literacy opportunities for staff and students including, appropriate and ethical use of technology.

  9. Facilities

    1. Explore and implement efficient technologies.

    2. Review and improve upon District safety procedures and facility security.

Strategic Plan for  2022-2025

Printable Version of 2022-2025 Strategic Plan (Updated on 10/5/22)

Click here to view more about the plan from a website dedicated to the Strategic Plan.

Strategic Focus Area: Curriculum and Instruction

  • Implement district-wide protocols for a continuous cycle of standards, curriculum, instruction, and common assessment implementation and review.


A guaranteed and viable curricula, aligned to NYS Standards and WG Essential Standards, will be written, revised and evaluated following the timelines established in the WG Continuous Curriculum Improvement Cycle.

 Strategic Focus: Social-Emotional Learning

  • Establish a multi-tiered system of support incorporating academic, behavioral, and social emotional support services throughout the school community

  • Enhance student engagement in school-related extracurricular
    activities and student clubs.

SMART Goal: 

By June 2024, all WG schools will establish Guiding Coalitions as part of becoming a district-wide Professional Learning Community (PLC). These coalitions will develop a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework focusing on instructional schedules which allow for the development of the PLC, and an MTSS “triangle” encompassing Academics, Behaviors, and Social-Emotional Learning. These Guiding Coalitions will create building-wide SMART goals as a means to align professional learning opportunities and to monitor their progress.

 Strategic Focus Ara: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Provide resources and ongoing professional development regarding diversity, inclusion and antiracism to create a safe, supportive, and equitable school climate and culture for ALL students.


 By June 2023, all district staff will participate in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity (DEI) Interactive Training to create a safe, supportive and equitable school climate and culture for all students.

Strategic Plan for 2021-2022

Printable Version of 2021-2022 Strategic Plan

Strategic Objectives for 2021-2022

  • The four year graduation rate will increase from the previous year, including all sub-groups.

  • The percent of students earning a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation and/or Regents Diploma with an endorsement in Career and Technical Education will grow by two percent or more.

  • The percent of graduating seniors who successfully complete at least one college level course will increase from the previous year.

Strategic Focus for 2020-2021

  • Implement district-wide norms for a continuous, prescribed cycle of standards, curriculum, instruction, and common assessment implementation and review.

  • Establish a multi-tiered system of support  incorporating academic, behavioral, and social emotional support services throughout the school community by:

    • Providing professional development for all staff members to enhance our understanding of students’ overall health in order to maintain a safe and supportive environment, promoting the dignity and achievement of all.

    • Incorporating the Mental Health Literacy Standards into our academic program.

  • Investigate methods of student achievement in recognition in high school, emphasizing individual excellence, so that students design their education program and select courses aligned with their interests, passions, and talents.

  • Provide resources and ongoing professional development for staff, students, and community members regarding diversity, inclusion, and antiracism in order to create a more equitable school, community, and society.