About Fine Arts

Welcome to the Fine Arts portion of the West Genesee Schools website. West Genesee enjoys one of the most accomplished Fine Arts programs in the state. Music, art, dance, and theater are all elements of our curricular and co-curricular program.

Fine Arts Vision

To afford all students the opportunity to study music, visual arts, and dance through rigorous, meaningful, and authentic experiences from pre-kindergarten through graduation.

Fine Arts Mission

To provide the necessary opportunities, instruction, and support for powerful, student driven, and responsive arts learning experiences that foster exploration, creativity, collaboration, and lifelong engagement in the arts.

Core Beliefs

The West Genesee Fine Arts Department believes that...

  • Arts Education is essential for the development of the whole child.

  • The arts possess a unique ability to enlighten perspectives, expand horizons, and enrich the human experience.

  • All students have the right to high quality, sequential, standards-based arts education delivered by highly-effective, certified teachers.

  • Arts Education MUST be equitable.

Directors Message

The curricular Fine Arts programs encompass the visual and performing arts beginning with general art and music classes Kindergarten.   Our strings, band, and choral programs begin in later elementary school. Visual arts and music program offerings expand throughout Middle and High School. And our dance program originates at the high school level.

Our fine arts teachers are fully certified, professional educators and are specialists in their chosen artistic area. The success and accolades we have garnered over the past 60+ years are a direct result of the commitment from students, teachers, and family members, all working together toward the highest levels of excellence.

West Genesee was recognized in 2024 as one of the “Best Communities for Music Education in America.”  It was our 19th time earning this distinction, and our 16th year in a row.  West Genesee High School was also a Grammy Signature School Semi-Finalist in 2015. In addition, in early 2024, we had 29 of our high school artists recognized with 48 Scholastic Art Awards. We hope to see you at one of the many performances or presentations that are free to the public. The Fine Arts at West Genesee does indeed “Celebrate Learning!”

~Sarah Gentile

Fine Arts Contact Information