Facilities Use Requests
The West Genesee School District encourages community use of school facilities when such use is in the public interest, does not conflict with school activities, and is not detrimental to the purpose of schools. Residents, staff members, and community groups can make facility use requests by following the steps below:
Click below to see if the facility you are requesting is available:
Public Use of School Facilities
School facilities may be used for activities which are educational, cultural, social, recreational or civic in nature, primarily for the benefit of district residents and consistent with all applicable state laws. Any such use, however, shall not be deemed an endorsement of the activity or the purpose for which the facilities are used.
The superintendent shall designate individuals to schedule and issue permits for the use of school facilities and to ensure that economical and efficient use is made of the time and space available. It is the responsibility of the requesting agency to procure a building permit form from the respective school building principal or department director, and file it in the appropriate manner as outlined in Regulation 1500-R.
In addition to compliance with all applicable state laws, the District shall:
Assure the protection of school property.
Provide for the health and safety of all people involved in the activity.
Establish guidelines to determine when a fee should be charged for an activity or the use of a school facility. (See Regulation 1500-R & Exhibit 1500-E)
Provide fee schedules for when the use of a facility is to be charged to the user. (See Exhibit 1500-E)
Require payment for any damage or loss, whether or not a fee for use has been charged.
Require that the user maintain adequate insurance to protect the district as outlined in Regulation 1500-R.
All permits for the use of any school facility will be issued for specified hours and designate specific areas approved for use. The permits are non transferable and are restricted to the specified purposes for which issued. The superintendent may revoke any permit at any time. School functions, whether regularly scheduled or because of rescheduling shall take precedence over any use of facility permit, regardless of date of approval.