Date: December 7, 2023
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: Camillus Middle School Cafeteria

Referendum 2023
The Results are In...
West Genesee CSD residents voted on a Special Referendum on December 11, 2023, and the results were as follows:
The Proposition (#1) for the Capital Project received 2,100 favorable votes and 1,177 votes in opposition. The Proposition has been approved.
The Proposition (#2) for the Land Purchase received 1,737 favorable votes and 1,552 votes in opposition. The Proposition has been approved.
Thank You to the Community for coming out to vote and your support! #WildcatPride (To read a thank you message from Superintendent Bills sent earlier tonight, right after the polls closed, click here.)
Informational Links
Printable Version of Communicator Special Referendum Edition
Absentee Ballot Application: Click here
WGCSD Building Condition Survey as Presented to BOE 03-29-23
Note: The Community Forum has been rescheduled to Thursday, December 7, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the Camillus Middle School Cafeteria.
Proposition I - Capital Project
Shall the Board of Education undertake the reconstruction, renovation, and construction of improvements and upgrades to the West Genesee High School, the West Genesee Intermediate School and the Camillus Middle School, including, but not limited to, roof reconstruction, athletic field improvements, including installing artificial turf, replacement track and bleachers and construction of a 1,500 square foot track storage building at the High School, interior and exterior improvements, upgrades to HVAC, electrical, water, sanitary, mechanical and lighting systems, site improvements, pavement and sidewalk improvements, original furnishings, fixtures and equipment, architectural fees, and all other costs incidental to such work (the “Buildings Project”) at a total estimated cost not to exceed $43,500,000, and obtain the necessary funds by (i) using $2,000,000 from the Capital Reserve approved by the District’s voters on May 17, 2022, (ii) using any available State building aid and (iii) to the extent necessary, the levy of a tax upon the taxable property of the School District to be collected in annual installments in the years and in the amounts as the Board of Education shall determine and in anticipation of such tax shall the School District be authorized to issue up to $41,500,000 of obligations of the School District and levy a tax to pay the interest thereon when due.
Project Highlights By Building
Financial Information
Proposed Project Cost: $43,500,00
Project Financing:
State Building Aid: $36,203,310
Capital Reserve Fund: $ 2,000,000
New Local Share: $ 5,296,690
Financed Over: 15 Years
The proposed project will carry no tax impact until the 2025-26 school year, when taxes would increase approximately $13.27 for a home with a market value of $100,000 with with Basic Star.

Proposition II-Purchase of Property
Shall the Board of Education purchase approximately 118 acres of land and associated buildings and facilities of the Westvale Golf Club located at 100 Golfview Lane, Camillus, New York and expend a total sum not to exceed $4,300,000, which is estimated to be the total maximum cost thereof, and said amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be raised by using $916,752 from appropriated fund balance and by the levy of a tax upon the taxable property of said School District and collected in annual installments as provided by Section 416 of the Education Law; and, in anticipation of such tax, obligations of said School District, in the principal amount not to exceed $3,383,248 shall be issued.
Financial Information
Project Cost:
Land Acquisition Purchase Cost: $4,000,000
Closing Costs: $300,000
Total Cost with Closing Costs: $4,300,000
Project Financing:
Fund Balance: $916,752
Total Amount Borrowed: $3,433,248
Financed Over: 30 Years

Notes: Estimates includes lost tax revenue of $22,023 from golf course and assumes 85.5% aid after future construction. Impact to begin in 2025-26 fiscal year.
Coffee and Conversation
Please join us for a Coffee and Conversation session to discuss the upcoming land purchase.
Click here to register for a Coffee and Conversation session.
Tuesday, September 26-3:00pm-HS Library-COMPLETED
Tuesday, October 10-8:00am-CMS LGI-COMPLETED
Tuesday, October 24-6:00pm-HS Library-COMPLETED
Wednesday, November 8-6:00pm-HS LGI-COMPLETED
Friday, November 17-1:00pm-HS Auditorium-COMPLETED
Tuesday, November 28-7:00pm-*HS Auditorium- *Community Forum –Land Purchase and Capital Project-COMPLETED-Click here to view a PDF of the presentation presented at that session.

Community Forum-RESCHEDULED TO:

Voting Information
Date: Monday, December 11, 2023
Time: 6:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Location: West Genesee High School Auditorium Lobby
Absentee Ballot Application: Click here
If you have any trouble accessing the PDF documents on this page, please contact the Publications Office at Email Publications Office or call (315) 487-2179.