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At the Board of Education Meeting held on September 20, information about a pending purchase of property  (Westvale Golf Course) by West Genesee Central School District was shared. Note: The purchase is contingent on approval via a public vote.

Coffee and Conversation Sessions

Please join us for a Coffee and Conversation session to discuss the upcoming land purchase. (If you would like to submit a question, please email it to at least one day prior to your chosen session.)

For meetings occurring during school hours, please plan to check in at the school main entrance (where there will be a list of people registered).

Note:  Parking at the high school during school hours may be challenging, so please either try to carpool and/or you may need to park near the shopping center. 

Click here to view a PDF of the presentation presented by the Superintendent at the October 4, Board of Education Meeting.

  • Tuesday, September 26-3:00pm-HS Library-COMPLETED
  • Tuesday, October 10-8:00am-CMS LGI-COMPLETED-Click here to view a PDF of the presentation presented at that session.
  • Tuesday, October 24-6:00pm-HS Library
  • Wednesday, November 8-6:00pm-HS LGI
  • Friday, November 17-1:00pm-HS Auditorium
  • Tuesday, November 28-7:00pm-*HS Auditorium- *Community Forum –Land Purchase and Capital Project

Please click here to register for  a Coffee and Conversation session.