December 11, 2023
This message is intentionally released prior to the count of ballots and the knowledge of the outcome of today’s vote regarding the Special Referendum Project; Proposition I Capital Project and Proposition II Land Purchase. As we wait for the total count, it is more important to highlight a collective win.
Along with the West Genesee Board of Education, I would like to thank everyone involved in attending discussions, submitting questions, expressing thoughts, and engaging thoroughly in the past few months with respect to this project. The discourse within the informational sessions was respectful and appropriate. We should be proud of our community to trust each other with such a high interest topic. It is a continued reminder of the pride that comes with being a part of the West Genesee Community.
Today’s volume of voters is a sign of the importance of the topics, and also the priority of the community to exercise the right to cast a vote. This is how it is supposed to be. Let us continue to model this commitment as we move forward with future circumstances in our schools and our town.
David C. Bills, Superintendent of Schools