“The Littles” (grades 4-6) watching “The Bigs (grades 7-8) in Junior Theater Camp! Come see the final product next Friday, 11:30 at WGIS!
over 1 year ago, West Genesee Fine Arts
Summer Camp
WGHS senior Brady Barrett was selected to attend the American Legion Boys States this past June at Morrisville College. American Legion Boys’ State is a week-long program that immerses high school youth (currently completing their junior year) in citizenship and leadership training. They learn the practical aspects of government as it exists in New York State, and come to recognize that the individual is integral to the character and success of government. They also participate in physical fitness, team work and other activities under the guidance of American Legion counselors and U.S. Marines. During the conference he was selected as the Samsung American Legion National Finalist out of New York. Congratulations!
over 1 year ago, West Genesee CSD
Headshot of Brady Barrett
WGCSD is Looking to Hire Transportation Staff West Genesee CSD is looking to hire regular bus drivers, substitute bus drivers, and substitute bus attendants. Inquiries about these positions can be sent to Debbie Price at dprice@westgenesee.org.
over 1 year ago, West Genesee CSD
transportation ad
Congrats to the 32 students/recent graduates of WGHS who have been named AP Scholars by The College Board in recognition of their exceptional achievement on the college-level AP Exams. Click here to read the list of recipients: https://www.westgenesee.org/advanced-placement-scholars-are-announced-4/
over 1 year ago, West Genesee CSD
AP Scholars Logo
WGCSD is Looking to Hire Full-time and Substitute Custodians West Genesee CSD is hiring full-time custodians on all shifts and substitute custodians for the 2nd shift. Inquiries can be made to Buildings and Grounds at (315) 487-4630.
over 1 year ago, West Genesee CSD
ad for custodians
Reminder: Stonehedge Summer Open Library 📚 is tomorrow, Tuesday, July 18 at 10 am!
over 1 year ago, West Genesee CSD
ST Summer Open Library
Happening at West Genesee July 17-21, 2023:
over 1 year ago, West Genesee CSD
Happening at West Genesee
Honoring Section III Champions, NYS Regional Champions, NYS Semi Finalists, & Scholar Athlete team at recent WG BOE meeting- great season @wggirlslax1 ! Well done, Wildcats! @WestGeneseeCSD @WGAthletics @NYSPHSAA
over 1 year ago, Supt. David C. Bills
Section 3 champs girls lacrosse
Summer Reading Lists for Grades 5-12 are on the Website! * WGIS Summer Reading Lists for students going into Grades 5-6: https://www.westgenesee.org/academics/west-genesee-libraries/wgms-summer-reading-lists/ *CMS Summer Reading Lists for students going into Grades 7-8: https://www.westgenesee.org/academics/west-genesee-libraries/middle-school-summer-reading-lists/ *WGHS Summer Reading lists for students going into Grades 9-12: https://www.westgenesee.org/academics/west-genesee-libraries/high-school-library/high-school-summer-reading-program-2023/ These lists are also available from the School Links section from each school's homepage and from the school library homepages.
over 1 year ago, West Genesee CSD
Summer Reading Lists
Congratulations to our 2023 girls lacrosse Section III Champions, NYS Regional Champions, NYS semi finalist and NYS Scholar Athlete team being recognized at our BOE mtg this evening! Great example of student athletes!
over 1 year ago, West Genny Athletics
Girls Lacrosse Team
Happening at West Genesee July 12-14:
over 1 year ago, West Genesee CSD
happening at WGCSD
Some of our amazing students organized a benefit concert for Paige’s Butterfly Run! Venmo donations can be sent to @CalebWilliams1122. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=309212544776957&id=1179540231&mibextid=qC1gEa
over 1 year ago, West Genesee Fine Arts
Fine Arts Students Perform
Happening at West Genesee on Tuesday, July 11...
over 1 year ago, West Genesee CSD
Happening at WGCSD 071123
ST Summer Open Library
Thank you to our amazing community for the support of the Wildcat Band during the car wash held last Friday!! Too bad the weather cut it short! 🎶💙💛
over 1 year ago, West Genesee Fine Arts
Collage of FA Car Wash
Reminder: Stonehedge Summer Open Library 📚 begins this Tuesday, July 11 at 10 am!
over 1 year ago, West Genesee CSD
ST Summer Open Library
School Supply Lists for 2023-2024 are Available from the Website! Did You Know? School Supply Lists for 2023-2024 are available on the website by clicking here: https://www.westgenesee.org/supply-lists/ They are also available from each School's homepage in School Links.
over 1 year ago, West Genesee CSD
school Supplies Lists
WGIS Announcements Be Nice. Work Hard. Think Big. It’s A Great Day To Be A Wildcat!! A/B Schedule: September 6-A Day September 7-B Day September 8-A Day Important Dates: September 6th – First day of school Parents /Guardians: If you drop something off for a student during the school day, please make sure their name is on the item and please put clothes/sneakers in a bag. Thank you! Menus: https://westgenesee.nutrislice.com/menu/west-genesee-middle Yearbook Information: Yearbooks are sold out.
over 1 year ago, West Genesee CSD
West Genesee Receives National Recognition for Communications The National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) has honored West Genesee CSD with a 2023 NSPRA Award of Excellence for their Electronic Newsletter External Audience. The edition receiving the honor can be read at: https://www.smore.com/wvhg6. Honors are awarded according to publication or digital media type, and organization type and size. Entries are judged on their overall excellence as well as quality as compared to other entries in the category. The top award in each category is the Award of Excellence. Awards of Merit and Honorable Mentions are also given in each category. Congratulations!
over 1 year ago, West Genesee CSD
NSPRA Award of Excellence Badge
Students Earn 5’s on Advanced Placement Examinations Congratulations! to the 29 WGHS students had a total of 34 perfect scores on their Advanced Placement examinations in May.! English Language Cooper Corcoran, Elena Pacheco, Joseph Paoli, Joanna Ray, Vivian Raposa, Nathan Smith, Angus Tarolli English Literature Isabella Jaskula, Ewan Moran, Joshua Pierce, Samantha Sapio Biology Joseph Paoli, Joanna Ray, Nathan Smith, Angus Tarolli Calculus AB Sarah Fettig World History Devin Dantuono, Norah Emery, Lilyanna Kupiec, Calina Olson, Rowan Prior, William Schneid, Isabella Vallely United States History Nathan Smith Music Theory Sean Alvaro, Broderick Couture, Caleb Williams AP 2D Art and Design Elsa Propper, Coralista Ruge Click here to read the list of recipients: https://www.westgenesee.org/students-earn-5s-on-advanced-placement-examinations-2/
over 1 year ago, West Genesee CSD
AP Perfect 5s
Please come out to support our marching band tomorrow in their second Car Wash fundraiser. Any donations will be accepted. A $20 donation will get you a free raffle ticket with a grand prize of $5,000!!! (Do not have to be present at the drawing on August 25.)
over 1 year ago, West Genesee Central School District