Hello, Onondaga Road Families -

I am bursting with pride as my time at Onondaga Road comes to a close and I embark upon retirement concluding my 31 year career in public education. Usually we educators measure the years from September to June, but since the actual calendar year closes at the end of December, I have decided to begin my official retirement on January 1, the beginning of a new year.

The decision to retire has been a difficult one to make because I have always loved my career, and I believe strongly in the power of public education. I am proud to have dedicate my life's endeavors to supporting and educating hundreds of children, and I am confident that I have helped to make a positive impact in our community. I say that confidently because over the years I having felt love and support from our families, and I have watched many children learn and grow and, ultimately, give back to our community and the world at large.

West Genesee is a special place, and specifically, Onondaga Road School is a pillar of goodness where we support one another and advocate for all that is good and right for our children. Our staff is second to none, and they always go above and beyond the call of duty to meet our kids' needs. I am honored to have had the opportunity to lead and to learn from such dedicated professionals for over a decade.

Please accept my sincere gratitude for your ongoing support and for entrusting your children to me, to us. Thank you, also, for the sincere outpouring of gratitude that you have expressed to me! I am overwhelmed by your well-wishes, kind notes and generosity. I will forever hold a special place in my heart for my "home away from home," Onondaga Road!

And now, I am happy to introduce our new principal, Mrs. Michelle Collier! Mrs. Collier is a dedicated, compassionate principal who will lead our Onondaga Road community into the new year and beyond! Welcome aboard, Mrs. Collier! Watch for the next school blog to come from her in January 2024!

Happy, happy New Year to you and yours.

Jeannette Clark