Principal Message Image

Hello Onondaga Road Families,

What a busy couple of weeks we have had here at school! I have been making my rounds to each classroom so that students can be a part of the morning announcements. This has also provided me with an opportunity to talk to each class individually about the role of a principal and answer any questions that they may have. It is a wonderful way to start my day!

All of the students just finished up Universal Screening in the areas of ELA and Math. This information will help teachers make instructional decisions for students and will help us to monitor their academic growth. Trying to find time to read each night or practice math skills at home is a great way to support your child's learning.

The 3rd grade classes had the Rosamond Gifford Zoo visit each classroom. They brought some very interesting specimens with them for students to observe and guided students through "busting" some common animal myths. Did you know that a porcupine has up to 30,000 quills?

Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Michelle Collier