principal message

Hello Onondaga Road Families,

While visiting a classroom this week, the students were talking about the saying, “Spring comes in like a lion and out like a lamb.” I feel like the past couple of weeks are a perfect example of this saying. The calendar may state that Spring is here officially, but we are all looking forward to warmer weather.

We held our first “Battle of the Books” this week and it was a wonderful success. Thank you to our media specialist, Sarah Manley, for organizing this event. It was a great way to encourage our students to read and maybe dive into a book of a different genre than their first choice.

I want to remind all parents and guardians to log into ParentVue today. You will be able to access your child’s second-semester report card, providing valuable information about their academic progress over the last few months. We encourage you to review the report card with your child. It is a great way to celebrate their accomplishments and set goals for the remainder of the year.

Our leadership team called our Guiding Coalition, has started the process of reviewing the Panorama Survey information. This information will help the team set goals for the upcoming school year and reflect on our current practices. We are always looking for ways to improve. Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete this survey.

Please reach out with any questions or concerns.


Michelle Collier