Principal Message

Dear Onondaga Road Families,

The Solar Eclipse is almost upon us! Please remember that Monday, April 8, will be a half-day for students, with dismissal at 11:15 AM. Please make sure you send in a note with your child if their dismissal plan is changing. This advance notice will make for a smoother dismissal process.

I also wanted to remind families that the New York State assessments will be happening shortly. The ELA assessments will be administered to all Grade 3 and 4 students on April 17 and 18. The Math assessments will be on May 6 and 7. These assessments are a great opportunity for students to demonstrate their learning.

As you will see in the pictures below, we had a very busy week here at school. Officer Brand from the Camillus Police Department spoke with all of our students. The topics discussed included ways to be a problem solver, how to be a good friend, esteem building, and social media safety. Rev Theater Co. put on a wonderful performance for all of our second graders. Our third graders participated in a virtual field trip and created Kachina Dolls to enrich their unit on Native Americans.

Thank you for your continued support and please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any concerns or ques

tions that you may have.

Respectfully,Michelle Collier