Message From Onondaga Road School Principal-April 12, 2024

Dear Onondaga Road Families,

The Solar Eclipse of 2024 was a wonderful learning opportunity for our students and I hope the memories of the day will be something they will remember for years to come. Many classes read books together and created models to help students understand the reason for the eclipse. Students learned about why special protective glasses are needed, the different types of eclipses, and how often they occur. It was a great teachable moment and it was great to see students engaged in the various activities.

We are noticing more and more signs of Spring here at Onondaga Road. Besides the great artwork on display and plants starting to sprout in classrooms, we have started our practice of safety drills. Officer Charlie and the classroom teachers have reviewed the procedures for the various drills with classes. Practicing these drills helps to ensure a smooth response in the event of an emergency and provides us with an opportunity to fine-tune our procedures.

Next week our 3rd and 4th graders will be taking the NYS ELA Assessment. These tests will take place on Wednesday, April 17th, and Thursday, April 18th. Having a healthy breakfast and getting a good night’s sleep will help to ensure that students are ready for the tests and will be able to demonstrate their learning.

Thank you for your continued support and please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any concerns or questions that you may have.


Michelle Collier