michelle collier

Dear Onondaga Road Families,

We have had another amazing week here at Onondaga Road. There have been many culminating projects and exciting field trips for our students. This time of year is a wonderful chance for our students and teachers to celebrate the learning and growth that has occurred.

Former Onondaga Road students came back for the annual “Senior Walk” and had an opportunity to think back to how much they have grown since their time in elementary school. It is so nice to see the seniors reconnect with their elementary teachers.

Our annual Flag Day Parade was a huge success. Thank you to the Fairmount Fire Department for coming with a fire truck to help add to the excitement of the day. Our fourth graders did an amazing job sharing some history of Flag Day and leading the Pledge of Allegiance. The PTA provided “patriotic popsicles” for everyone to enjoy after the parade.

Thank you for your continued support and please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any concerns or questions that you may have.


Michelle Collier