First Days of Schools

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As we eagerly anticipate the start of a new school year, I want to take a moment to address the importance of ensuring a smooth and safe arrival for all our students on the first day of school.

To help with this, we ask that you take note of the following guidelines:

  1. Car Tags: Once you have received your car tag number, please attach the small tag to your child's backpack and have the rearview mirror tag in the car that will be picking up your child.

  2. Arrival Car Drop-off Procedures: If you are driving your child to school, please use the side entrance by Kent Place.  The front loop will only be for buses in the morning. Staff members will be present to assist and guide students into the building. Staff will start releasing students from cars that are next to the sidewalk at 9:00.  Please do not release your child from the car until you are pulled up next to the sidewalk.  We kindly ask that you remain in your vehicle to help maintain a steady flow of traffic.  

  3. Dismissal Car Pick-up Procedures:  If you have an EVEN car tag number, you will pull into the front bus loop for dismissal.  If you have an ODD car tag number, you will use the side entrance by Kent Place.  We will begin dismissing students and escorting them to the cars at 3:10.

  4. Bus Riders: If your child takes the bus, please remind them of bus safety rules and ensure they know their bus symbol. School staff will be present to assist students from the buses to the building upon arrival.  Kindergarten and First Grade students will get a "bus tag" attached to their backpacks on the first day to help staff make sure they are getting to the correct bus.

  5. Kindergarten and New Students: Special attention will be given to our youngest and newest students. Extra staff will be on hand to guide them to their classrooms and help them feel comfortable.

  6. Send Notes: For the first few days of school, please send a note in with your child if they are NOT taking a bus home.  This will be an added assurance that everyone knows the correct dismissal intentions.  

Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing all of our Wildcats on Wednesday, September 4.  

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.


Michelle Collier