Dear Stonehedge Families-
It is hard to believe the end of year is almost here. This week, we had to make some tough decisions regarding the heat index and weather. Out of an abundance of caution, we prioritized the safety and well-being of both our students and staff. We are pleased to report that these decisions led to a safe and productive week for our Wildcats.
We had to make some last minute adjustments to our 4th Grade Moving-Up ceremony, but both indoor celebrations were wonderful. Thank you to the families, PTA and Teachers for making the morning a success. I hope the students enjoyed it!
This is a reminder to all parents that Monday, June 24, and Tuesday, June 25 are half days. Tuesday is the last day of school for students, with dismissal for grades K-4 beginning at approximately 11:10am car, 11:17am bus. UPK will dismiss at 12:00pm. Please send a note if your child's dismissal routine will change for Monday and Tuesday.