Dear West Genesee Families,
Kindness that is received in an unexpected or seemingly random way can be very uplifting. When someone makes a gesture of kindness, the effort and intent is significant. That is not to suggest otherwise low expectations or a cynical attitude, but rather the pace of our daily interactions that can make such an act a surprise. Further reflection adds an appreciation of the purposefulness of the act, the resulting feeling of worth, and the change in demeanor experienced by the recipient.
If receiving kindness feels so good, why not consider it infectious? How many opportunities do we have in the course of even one day to pass that along to someone else? Do we look for those chances before us; opening a door, picking up a dropped item, helping to work through a struggle, just saying hello in passing?
“Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” - Princess Diana.
“It takes courage to be kind.” – Maya Angelou
In recent days, I was witness to and the recipient of many such acts during routine interactions of my own days. In unfamiliar settings and unknown to those around me, there was a veritable “default” of kind acts, small gestures, and pleasant interactions. I promised myself I would pass it along. The quotes above provide inspiration and reminders for us all. This message to you is part of that thanks for the hundreds and hundreds of interactions we all experience in our schools and community every day.
Please enjoy this e-Newsletter filled with accomplishments of students, signs of growth, and important upcoming events. Let’s go Wildcats!
David C. Bills, Superintendent of Schools
Please notice the Social Media Tips below that I shared in the last e-Newsletter. Let's keep the conversation going with our youth in order to keep everyone safe!