
Dear WGIS Families,

We have one week left in our first semester! As we wrap up our first semester next week, we will be focused on looking at data from our universal screening that all students have participated in over the last 2 weeks to plan out how we can best support all students the second half of the school year.

At home, the best support you can give is encouraging students to pick up a book and read, as well as encouraging them to do their best everyday, and making sure they are attending school every day. All families were provided with their child's attendance status so far this school year and will continue to receive updates throughout the year.

While being present everyday is our goal, we know that missing 10% or more of our school days is considered being "chronically absent" and has a significant impact on a students ability to be successful in school. This is something we frequently remind our students about here in the building but it takes the full partnership of home and school to make sure all students reach their full potential. If you are struggling at all at home with attendance, please reach out so we can help!

Thank you for your continued support for all students at WGIS. As always, please reach out if you need anything.

Be Kind-Work Hard-Think BIG!

It's a great day to be a wildcat!

Mr. MacCollum