Emergency Closing Information

Tune in for Emergency Closings and Delays

Announcements about school closings, delayed openings, or early dismissal will be posted on the News and Timelines sections of this District website home page, the mobile app, sent out through WG Communications Powered by SchoolMessenger, posted on social media (X-Twitter/Facebook/Instagram) and also broadcast on the television stations.


Social Media (X/Twitter/Facebook/Instagram)

X/Twitter, Instagram, and the facebook page will be used to communicate snow days and closings in conjunction with the media being contacted. You do have to have an account on twitter.com and follow WestGeneseeCSD to receive the updates.

West Genesee Communications

The District, your school, and teachers will use ParentSquare to communicate with parents and guardians. This includes emergency messages as well as information closely related to the school’s educational mission.

You will receive notifications via email, text, voice call, and posts from the ParentSquare mobile app and ParentSquare portal, depending on the contact information you have in Schooltool (our Student Information System). Parents are automatically registered to receive notifications when they enroll their student. Please note that standard text messaging rates may apply for all text messages. 

Please email the Publications Office at Email Publications with any questions.  Here is more information about the Communications system.