Emergency Closing Information

Tune in for Emergency Closings and Delays

Announcements about school closings, delayed openings, or early dismissal will be posted on the News and Timelines sections of this District website home page, the mobile app, sent out through WG Communications Powered by SchoolMessenger, posted on social media (X-Twitter/Facebook/Instagram) and also broadcast on the television stations.


Social Media (X/Twitter/Facebook/Instagram)

X/Twitter, Instagram, and the facebook page will be used to communicate snow days and closings in conjunction with the media being contacted. You do have to have an account on twitter.com and follow WestGeneseeCSD to receive the updates.

West Genesee Communications – Powered by SchoolMessenger

SchoolMessenger communications software allows us to send emails, texts, phone app notifications, and make phone calls. (Phone calls will be used for primarily for emergency situations only.) The Blackboard mobile phone app notifications will also be used (see below for more information).

Parent/Guardians and Staff will NOT need to sign-up to receive information from schools that you are registered for in ParentVUE/Synergy. (You will have the option to opt out if you choose not to receive emails, texts, and/or phone calls.)

Please email the Publications Office at Email Publications with any questions.  Here is more information about the Communications system.

Website and Mobile Phone App

We have redesigned the West Genesee website and took into consideration the information shared in the results of the survey we distributed in June. It is now easier to find items directly related to your school from that school's homepage. It is also very mobile responsive and easy to find items from your phone. However, if you have questions about the new site, please email them to publications@westgenesee.org.

In addition to the new website, we have also launched a new mobile phone app to communicate to students, parents, and community members about West Genesee news, upcoming events, and other important information. The West Genny app is available to download free from the Apple App store or the Google Play store. For more information about the mobile app, click here to view a video about the app.

This app is different from your ParentVUE app which you will continue to use to communicate with teachers, check on schedules, and other items that relate directly to your specific child(ren).